Thursday, February 25, 2010

Cure Vaginal Odor With the Top 4 Home Remedies - Get Rid of That Smell Quickly

There are few things more embarrassing to a woman than having to cope with an unpleasant vaginal odor. Though the average healthy vagina typically has a slight odor - as does every other part of the human body - there are occasions during which any vagina may emit the type of odor that has often been referred to as "fishy".

During these times, women often feel uncomfortable in the presence of others, and particularly during romantic encounters with their partners. Fortunately, there are a number of options available to you if you are a woman suffering from that foul vaginal smell. Here are the top 4 home remedies to cure vaginal odor.
Cotton is Still King!
When selecting your undergarments, you should always be careful what material you put next to your body. While you may prefer the synthetic blend panties, you have to remember that those materials do not breathe in the same way that cotton does. Cotton panties have the advantage of permitting air to flow to the vaginal area, and also serve to soak up excessive moisture and help keep the vagina dry and clean. The bacteria responsible for vaginal odor thrive in a moist environment, and cotton is an excellent defense against that moisture - making it perhaps the best of the top 4 home remedies to cure vaginal odor.

Yogurt to the Rescue
Though cotton is still the best preventative home remedy, there are times when the odor-causing bacteria will still manage to gain a foothold in the vaginal area. Yogurt has long been recognized as one of the top 4 home remedies to cure vaginal odor, due to its effectiveness in treating yeast infections. Yogurt's benefits stem from the beneficial bacteria it contains - bacteria that serve to counteract the odor-causing bacteria within the vagina and aid in the restoration of the vagina's natural chemical balance.

Garlic - the anti-fungal wonder!
If you thought garlic was only effective against vampires you might be surprised to learn that it's equally useful against the other "v" - vaginal odor. Garlic ranks as one of the top 4 home remedies to cure vaginal odor because of its anti-fungal properties and, like yogurt, has proven its value in treating yeast infections. You can apply garlic either by wrapping the garlic cloves in cheesecloth and placing it within the vagina or by grinding the garlic into a paste that can be liberally smeared over the affected area.
Try Tea Tree Oil...
Last on our list of the top 4 home remedies to cure vaginal odor is tea tree oil and your general hygienic routine. Tea tree oil is another anti-fungal that has demonstrated its usefulness in fighting vaginal odor. To apply it, you just need a few drops of the oil added to water - a cup should do - to create a gentle mixture that you the splash onto the vaginal area. Use this mixture whenever you wash your vagina, and avoid douches of any kind. Most douches actually disrupt the natural chemical and bacterial balance of the vagina, which can lead to both yeast infections and vaginal odor.

Perfume - The Best Places to Spray

Applying perfume has many purposes; it can be to smell better, attract a mate or to mask something an unpleasant smell. It is so widely used that the perfume business is growing bigger every day. Celebrities are endorsing brands and attaching their names to it. It is an ever expanding empire that will continue to soar as long as people can smell.

Perfume was first invented to mask unwanted smells, and it has been around since the days of Cleopatra. Back then, people used to use natural herbs and spices to smell nice such as vanilla beans and coconut. With climates in some countries being as hot as they were and without the help of deodorant, men and women were left to their own devices and invented ways to smell nice. The idea caught on and people began adding smells to their skin to smell better.
Perfume has also been widely associated with attracting a mate. When a couple go out on a date, adding perfume is a way to finalize the look. The make-up has been done, perfect outfit put on and a nice breeze of perfume is essential to feeling sexy and pretty. Often time`s girls will spray perfume on before they head out to bars to meet men. Some bathrooms even offer perfume machines in case you forgot to put perfume before you left the house.
Some people are afraid that if they are not wearing perfume that they will not be able to attract a partner.It can sometimes be a certain smell that attracts or detours a man away from a woman. Either he likes the smell or is frightened by it. Either way it might be best to pick a popular selling perfume if used for the intention of mate selecting.
Perfume can be sprayed in many areas. Some women spray it over their hair, although it can get in the eyes which may hurt and usually styling products in the hair smell nice already. Another place to spray perfume is on the neck. This place is popular because when a women gets close to a men he can smell the scent, the only down side is if he attempts to kiss the neck, in which case he might be turned off by the taste.
Dabbing perfume on the wrist has also been a popular place to add some scents. As you move your arms around the scent can trickle out and create a cloud of perfume as you walk. Some people also spray it on the outside of their clothes such as on tops and pants. This idea is smart because you don`t have to apply it right to the skin.
While anyplace is a good place to spray some perfume, there are places that are better than others. If perfume spraying is ahead of a date or romantic experience, it might be best to spray it in places that will not be kissed, if it is on just for fun, then spraying it wherever is another option as well. If you think you might be returning a piece of clothing or if you are borrowing someone`s clothes with or without permission, you might not want to spray it on clothes unless you plan on washing them before you give them back. Finding the perfect spots to add perfume is up to the person themselves.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Woman Men Adore...and Never Want To Leave

The secret to understanding men -- and using it to your advantage

The Woman Men Adore...and Never Want To Leave

The important thing to remember is that you're not alone. Most women -- whether single or married -- have asked themselves these kinds of questions. In my 16 years of relationship counseling, I've found that the reason women have these concerns is because they simply don't understand men.

Did you know ... that you as a woman, by virtue of your femininity, have in your hands the delicious power to make a man fall in love with you, influence a man to your way of thinking, bring him to his knees, make him want to spend his life with you -- and want to fulfill your every desire?
yes, it's true! You can have a healthy, loving relationship. And the best part is that you can do it easily and effortlessly by being yourself -- and NOT shaping yourself into someone you're not just to keep your man interested. I'll give you solid proof of this in a moment.

When you read this article in its entirety, you'll discover how to tap into the power that resides within you -- whether you want to revolutionize your dating life, get married or spark the fire within your marriage.

 The majority of my clients are women, who have sought my help in creating successful, satisfying, and fulfilling love relationships by simply understanding men.
More than the certificates and licenses I've accumulated over the years, I take most pride in the number of wedding invitations I receive from my clients who've found successful, healthy relationships as a result of my relationship advice and tips. I've also saved dozens of marriages from disaster, dissolution -- and just plain boredom.
That's why I'm called "The Relationship Doctor." I have the prescription for finding love, keeping passion alive, and reigniting relationships that have lost their spark.
The method I'm about to reveal to you is not based on theory, guesswork or the "psycho-babble" that's disseminated by pop psychologists, self-help books and women's magazines. Unlike other resources that claim to help you understand men, my strategy is based on real-life feedback from thousands of real-life women who tried my relationship advice and found that it produced a dramatic difference in their relationships with men.
Now, you can find out what my method can do for you. Whether you're ...a single woman who wants to attract the right man -- or add romance to your dating life a woman who dates frequently, but finds it hard to sustain a relationship with a man; a woman who wants to be married but can't seem to persuade the man in your life to pop the question; or a married woman who wants to spark the fire within your marriage and enjoy deeper intimacy with your husband... you'll discover the secret that will make you radiate like a warm and glowing campfire -- and give you an aura that men will find absolutely irresistible.

How to Be the Woman Men Adore ... and Never Want to Leave
Have you ever met the kind of woman ...
that men fall hopelessly in love with
with whom men want to spend all their time
whom men want to please and do anything for
who brings out the romantic and passionate side of a man; and
to whom men want to give everything?

What special quality, trait, or personality does this woman have that men find attractive and draws them like a magnet, makes men powerless in her hands, and makes them want to spend their lives with her?
I've personally met many women like this -- and here's the startling observation I've made: These women are not necessarily the most beautiful, the tallest, the smartest, the one with the most gorgeous hair, sexy legs or the most ample breasts, as one might think!

A look back in history reveals the likes of ...
.. homely divorc�e Wallis Simpson, for whom the Duke of Windsor abdicated
the throne of England;
... the early-twentieth-century French writer Colette (described as having
a "frightful" appearance), who managed to have numerous male conquests;
... Martha Gellhorn, the plain-looking scholar for whom Ernest Hemingway
became love-sick and never recovered;
... Mumtaz, for whom the Emperor Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal; and
... Camilla Parker Bowles, who won the heart of Prince Charles.
And then, of course, there's Barbra Streisand, who captured the heart of, and later married, the handsome actor James Brolin. In fact, she reportedly refused his many marriage proposals before finally agreeing to be his wife.
these kinds of women know the secret to creating magic with men. And here's the good news for you, if you're like most women who struggle with relationship trouble. The ability to create magic with men is NOT really magic at all. It�s a skill which can be learned by any woman -- and that includes you!
Before I tell you how to acquire that secret skill (which already resides inside you, though dormant), let me ask you a question:

Why Do Most Women Struggle in Their Relationships with Men?
There are many reasons why women have relationship trouble, but as I mentioned before, the main reason is that women simply don't understand men. If a woman really understood men, she'd know how to effortlessly attract men like a magnet, make men powerless in her hands, have them treat her like a queen, and give her everything her heart desires.

The main obstacle women face in their effort to understand men is that they turn to all the wrong things: They seek advice from their girlfriends, who are just as clueless as they are in figuring men out; and they read dime-store relationship advice from women's magazines.
If you're like most women, you probably love talking to your girlfriends about your relationship troubles, and -- yikes! -- asking them for relationship advice. Unless your girlfriend happens to be a professional relationship therapist, who has counseled many couples towards successful relationships -- and unless she herself has a successful relationship with a man (very important!) -- it's unwise to take relationship advice or tips from your girlfriend (or your mother, sister, cousin or aunt, for that matter).

By all means, seek the listening ear of a girlfriend if you simply want to unburden -- and if talking to your girlfriend makes you feel better. But always remember that talking to your girlfriends (as depicted accurately in the once-popular Sex and the City TV series), fosters deeper and better friendships with your girlfriends -- but does nothing to improve your relationships with men.
Now, don't get me wrong. Some of your girlfriends might indeed have the wisdom to give you good advice -- but that advice will almost always be based only on their own limited experience and observation. Just because your girlfriend has had an experience similar to yours doesn't mean her advice applies to your situation.

I chuckle every time I remember the story of a woman who spent hours on the phone with her girlfriend discussing why her boyfriend was giving her the silent treatment, and what she might have done to provoke it, and what she could do to get him talking again. All the while, her boyfriend was just not in a talkative mood because he was worrying that the carburetor in his car wasn't working right!
Just goes to show how little women know about men!